Views:6065 Time:2022-02-23Writer:Alice
Classification of Strings Based on Tension
Normal guitar strings are used for rhythm playing and add a bright and shimmery tone to the song, causing it to sound richer in overtones. They have more volume than other kinds of guitar strings, but they move more loosely around the fret, making them easier on fingertips - this is why they are best for beginners who use guitars more sporadically.
Hard tension
Top 6 Differences between Normal and Hard Tension Strings
The thickness of the string
The thickness of the string is to do with the normal and hard tension strings offered by the manufacturer. If analyzing the thickness of the strings between normal and hard strings of the same brand, the difference is obvious. Hard strings are thicker and offer more tension than normal strings.
Strength of plucking
Hard tension strings classical guitar feels completely different compared to the normal one. The former’s strings are physically harder to press down against the fretboard. Even though they are harder to press than low tension strings, you may not notice this extra effort when you play. On the other hand, persisting with high tension strings can strengthen your left hand and give you a higher volume.
Buzz sound
If you have a stronger hand, hard tension strings are worth the investment. They do not buzz sounds even on heavier hands. However, normal tension strings cause a buzzing sound with heavier hands. On the contrary, the tight strings are tolerant to the aggressive touch, so hard tension strings are the savior for those who prefer hard touch.
Hard tension strings are tighter and require more force to play. In contrast, the normal tension strings are lighter to play. As the hard tension makes the resistance more prominent and can hinder the guitar play, normal tension strings are preferable for those who like slight or less resistance.
Vibrato is the tone color that is most prominent and strongest for a guitarist's palette. Normally vibrato generates on a classical guitar by rolling the hard finger and varying the string tension. It means that for vibrato, normal tension strings are more sensitive than hard tension strings.
Choosing Alice AC139 for Normal and Hard Tension