To find the best classical guitar strings, Daniele Defranis, a composer, arranger, teacher, concert performer, and guitarist from Milan, Italy, has come to Alice’s factory and felt Alice’s guitar strings in person.
Release date:2022-09This article is an FAQ for you to learn more about Alice Strings.
Release date:2022-01The article mainly discuss the component of the guitar string and the types of guitar strings with the example of three types of guitar (acoustic, electric, and classical guitar).
Release date:2022-01The article mainly discuss how guitar strings are classified, and how to properly maintain them. Let us take a look!
Release date:2022-01Music China 2019 | Alice Strings Attended The Show Flawlessly, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!
Release date:2019-10Let the world listen to the voice of China| Guangzhou Romance attended the Music China 2019 with Alice strings
Release date:2019-06On Februrary 24-27, 2019, we attended the most prominent music trade show in southern China.
Release date:2019-02我司外销部团队代表公司参加了2016年4月7日-10日的德国法兰克福国际乐器展会。
Release date:2018-04我司的Alice(爱丽丝)琴弦获得2015年度广东省名牌产品。 5月3日下午,2015年度广东省名牌产品授牌仪式暨“互联网+品牌”发展论坛在广州珠江宾馆会议中心礼堂隆重举行。省质监局、省工商局、海关总署广东分署等省名推委成员单位领导、各行业协会领导、各地市质监局分管领导、获得2015年“广东省名牌产品”称号的企业主要负责人共600多人出席了本次会议。
Release date:2019-05